Out Of School Hours Care

Play & Leisure
We understand the vital role social and emotional development and communication play in shaping a solid foundation for quality experiences and personal growth.

Dynamic Partnership
Our educators are like program architects, designing learning experiences that match the pulse of children's ideas, interests, strengths, and abilities.

Accessible programs
Parents will be able to access the program, daily and weekly program evaluations, photos, videos, stories, moments and contribute by making comment and suggestions.
Expertise Areas
We provide Quality Care in the school grounds.
“A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.”
We acknowledge the importance of play and leisure activities which provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, improvise, and create. Play is very important; it is the most effective tool. It is central to a child’s learning and development. Play is non-threatening, spontaneous, and meaningful.
About OOSH
Hinchinbrook OOSH Service is a 60-place Centre. On a day-to-day basis, the Centre is managed by the Director (Nominated Supervisor) and when the Director is absent the Centre is under the supervision of the coordinator (Responsible Person).
Before School Care
Before School Care, we offer care from 7.00 am to 9.00 am during school terms. We offer children a selection of nutritious breakfast options, along with quiet activities and designated spaces for relaxation.
After School Care
After School care from 3.00 pm till 6.00 pm. Progressive afternoon tea starts as soon as the children arrive at the hub. children have access to healthy snacks throughout the session. The program offers children free activities, structured activities, access to a variety of toys and equipment to self-initiate and interact with friends, arts and crafts resources, indoor and outdoor games, gardening and relaxation areas.
Vacation Care
Operates from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm during school holidays and pupil-free days. Our holiday program includes a variety of in-house activities run by event entertainment providers specialising in vacation care activities and excursions to entertainment and educational venues within the community. The program also allows for plenty of free play time with friends. Vacation Care Programs are available for bookings 4 weeks before the commencement of each School holiday period.
Our program offers

Experienced staff, caring for primary aged children and who support the family.

An environment that caters for the physical and social needs of the children, encourages confidence and self-esteem and promotes the overall individual development and well being of all children.

An atmosphere where you feel your child will be happy, playing with friends and learning new skills.

Policies and procedures are available for parents to read.

Opportunities for children to be involved in decision-making and planning programs to meet their interest.

Healthy and nutritious snacks and meals for all children.

Cultural beliefs and family background are respected.

Access to the Storypark app, to receive notifications and updates of our daily program.

Vacation care program including excursions and incursions.
Enrol your child now.
Follow the simple steps to enrol your child today, contact us to book an orientation session to meet our friendly educators and check out our hub. Orientation time is a time to get to know you and your child and to ensure a smooth transition is in place. During the orientation educators will provide further information on the service policies, philosophy and procedures.